TikTok Analytics Tools & Supercharging Your Influencer Marketing [2024]

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TikTok Analytics
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  • Post last modified:April 3, 2024
  • Post category:TikTok

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Welcome to the fast growing world of TikTok, where viral trends are born, and influencers rise overnight. With over 1 billion active users, TikTok has become a goldmine for marketers looking to connect with younger audiences and tap into the power of influencer marketing. However, with so much content and so many influencers to choose from, it can be challenging to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you find TikTok analytics for influencers and measure the success of your marketing campaigns. In this post, we’ll cover everything from the most important engagement metrics to look out for to the best tools and software for analyzing TikTok data. So whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, get ready to take your TikTok game to the next level!

How to Analyze TikTok Influencers?

To best analyze TikTok influencers, follow these key steps:

Analyze Engagement Metrics

  • Look at the influencer’s number of followers, likes, comments, and shares to identify creators with an active and engaged audience.
  • Pay attention to the influencer’s video completion rates, as TikTok’s algorithm favors content that keeps users watching.
  • Assess the influencer’s overall engagement rate, which indicates how well their content resonates with their audience.

Evaluate Content Quality

  • Review the influencer’s recent videos to understand their content style, tone, and the type of videos that perform best.
  • Ensure the influencer’s content aligns with your brand’s values, target audience, and marketing goals.
  • Look for creators who have a unique personality and can produce creative, entertaining, and engaging videos.

Analyze Audience Demographics

  • Examine the influencer’s audience demographics such as location, age, and gender to ensure they match your target customers.
  • Use tools like Storyclash to get detailed insights into the influencer’s audience composition.

Consider Broader Social Presence

  • Assess the influencer’s presence and performance on other social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube to get a more complete picture of their reach and influence.

Utilize Search and Discovery Tools

  • Leverage TikTok’s native search and discovery features, as well as third-party tools like Promoty and InfluenceGrid, to find relevant influencers for your brand.

By following these steps, you can effectively analyze TikTok influencers and identify the ones that are the best fit for your brand’s marketing campaigns.

What are the Most Important Metrics to Analyze When Evaluating TikTok Influencers?

The most important metrics to analyze when evaluating TikTok influencers are:

Engagement Metrics:

  • Likes, comments, shares, and video completion rates
  • Overall engagement rate, which indicates how well the influencer’s content resonates with their audience

Audience Demographics:

  • Follower count, location, age, and gender to ensure alignment with your target customers

Content Quality:

  • Review the influencer’s recent videos to understand their content style, tone, and the type of videos that perform best
  • Ensure the influencer’s content aligns with your brand’s values, target audience, and marketing goals
  • Look for creators with a unique personality who can produce creative, entertaining, and engaging videos

Broader Social Presence:

  • Assess the influencer’s presence and performance on other social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube to get a more complete picture of their reach and influence

Utilize Search and Discovery Tools:

  • Leverage TikTok’s native search and discovery features, as well as third-party tools like Promoty and InfluenceGrid, to find relevant influencers for your brand

By analyzing these key metrics, you can effectively evaluate TikTok influencers and identify the ones that are the best fit for your brand’s marketing campaigns.

How to Interpret Engagement Metrics on TikTok?

Here are the key points on how to interpret engagement metrics on TikTok:

Engagement Rate by View

  • This metric measures the average number of engagements (likes, comments, shares) per video view.
  • It provides insight into how compelling and engaging the content is for viewers. A higher engagement rate by view indicates the content is resonating well with the audience.

Engagement Rate by Follower

  • This metric measures the average number of engagements per follower on a per-video basis.
  • It’s a better indicator of true engagement compared to just looking at total engagement, as it accounts for audience size.
  • Engagement rate by follower tends to be higher for accounts with more followers, but smaller accounts can still achieve strong engagement rates.

Other Engagement Metrics

  • Total likes, comments, shares, and video views are also important to track.
  • These metrics provide insights into the overall reach and interaction with the content.
  • Monitoring trends in these metrics over time can help identify content that resonates best with the audience.

Interpreting Engagement

  • High engagement rates, both by view and by follower, indicate the content is performing well and resonating with the target audience.
  • Analyzing engagement metrics alongside other factors like audience demographics can help optimize content strategy.
  • Benchmarking engagement against industry averages or competitors can also provide valuable context.

By closely monitoring and interpreting these key TikTok engagement metrics, brands and creators can gain valuable insights to improve their content strategy and grow their presence on the platform.

What is the Difference Between Engagement Rate and Engagement Metrics on TikTok?

The key differences between engagement rate and engagement metrics on TikTok are:

Engagement Metrics:

  • Engagement metrics refer to the raw numbers of likes, comments, shares, views, and other interactions on TikTok videos.
  • These include the total number of likes, comments, shares, and video views for a particular video or account.
  • Engagement metrics provide insights into the overall reach and interaction with the content, but do not account for audience size.

Engagement Rate:

  • Engagement rate is a calculated metric that measures the level of interaction a TikTok video or account receives relative to its audience size.
  • It is typically calculated as (total engagements / number of followers or views) x 100 to get a percentage.
  • Engagement rate provides a more meaningful metric to evaluate how well the content is resonating with the target audience, as it accounts for the audience size.
  • There are different formulas to calculate engagement rate based on views or followers.
  • Engagement rate is considered a better indicator of true engagement compared to just looking at raw engagement metrics.

In summary, engagement metrics are the raw numbers of interactions, while engagement rate is a calculated metric that provides a more contextual measure of how engaging the content is for the audience size. Analyzing both engagement metrics and engagement rate is important for a comprehensive evaluation of TikTok performance.

How Do Engagement Metrics Differ from Engagement Rate on TikTok?

The key differences between engagement metrics and engagement rate on TikTok are:

Engagement Metrics:

  • Engagement metrics refer to the raw numbers of likes, comments, shares, views, and other interactions on TikTok videos.
  • These include the total number of likes, comments, shares, and video views for a particular video or account.
  • Engagement metrics provide insights into the overall reach and interaction with the content, but do not account for audience size.

Engagement Rate:

  • Engagement rate is a calculated metric that measures the level of interaction a TikTok video or account receives relative to its audience size.
  • It is typically calculated as (total engagements / number of followers or views) x 100 to get a percentage.
  • Engagement rate provides a more meaningful metric to evaluate how well the content is resonating with the target audience, as it accounts for the audience size.
  • There are different formulas to calculate engagement rate based on views or followers.
  • Engagement rate is considered a better indicator of true engagement compared to just looking at raw engagement metrics.

In summary, engagement metrics are the raw numbers of interactions, while engagement rate is a calculated metric that provides a more contextual measure of how engaging the content is for the audience size. Analyzing both engagement metrics and engagement rate is important for a comprehensive evaluation of TikTok performance.

What are Some Examples of Engagement Metrics on TikTok?

Here are some examples of key engagement metrics on TikTok:

Video Views

  • The total number of times your videos have been viewed


  • The total number of likes your videos have received


  • The total number of comments on your videos


  • The total number of times your videos have been shared

Profile Views

  • The number of times your TikTok profile has been viewed

Engagement Rate

  • Calculated as (total engagements / number of views or followers) x 100
  • Provides a more meaningful metric to evaluate how well the content is resonating with the audience

Engagement Journey

  • Tracks the engagement and viewership trends for each video over time

Unique Viewers

  • The total number of unique users who have viewed your videos

Traffic Sources

  • Identifies how viewers found your videos, such as the For You feed, your profile, the Following feed, sounds, searches, and hashtags

Video Completion Rate

The percentage of viewers who watched the full video.

Analyzing these key engagement metrics can provide valuable insights to help optimize your TikTok content strategy and grow your audience on the platform.

How Can Engagement Metrics on TikTok Be Used to Measure the Success of a Campaign?

Engagement metrics on TikTok can be used to measure the success of a campaign in the following ways:

Engagement Rate:

  • Engagement rate, calculated as total engagements (likes, comments, shares) divided by views or followers, is a key metric to measure how well the content is resonating with the audience.
  • A higher engagement rate indicates the content is compelling and driving meaningful interactions, which is a sign of a successful campaign.

Likes, Comments, and Shares:

  • The raw numbers of likes, comments, and shares provide insights into the level of audience interaction and interest in the content.
  • Higher numbers of these engagement metrics suggest the campaign content is engaging the target audience effectively.

Video Views and Watch Time:

  • Video views and average watch time signify the content’s visibility and ability to capture and retain viewer attention.
  • Higher view counts and longer average watch times indicate the campaign content is resonating and driving engagement.

Follower Growth:

  • Tracking follower growth over the course of a campaign can demonstrate the campaign’s success in attracting and retaining a relevant audience.
  • Steady follower growth suggests the campaign is building brand awareness and loyalty.

Conversion Metrics:

  • Metrics like click-through rate and conversion rate can directly measure the campaign’s ability to drive desired actions like website visits, app downloads, or sales.
  • Strong conversion metrics indicate the campaign is effectively achieving its business objectives.

By closely monitoring these key engagement metrics, brands can evaluate the overall success of their TikTok marketing campaigns, identify high-performing content, and make data-driven optimizations to improve future campaigns.

What are Some Best Practices for Analyzing TikTok Engagement Metrics?

Here are some best practices for analyzing TikTok engagement metrics:

Focus on Engagement Rate, Not Just Raw Engagement Metrics:

  • Engagement rate, calculated as total engagements (likes, comments, shares) divided by views or followers, provides a more meaningful metric to evaluate how well the content is resonating.
  • Raw engagement metrics like total likes, comments, and shares are important, but need to be considered in the context of audience size.

Track Engagement Rate by View and by Follower:

  • Engagement rate by view measures the average engagements per video view, indicating content quality.
  • Engagement rate by follower measures engagements per follower, accounting for audience size.
  • Monitoring both provides a comprehensive view of engagement performance.

Benchmark Against Industry Averages and Competitors:

  • Compare your engagement rates to industry benchmarks, which typically range from 4-18% on TikTok.
  • Analyze how your engagement metrics stack up against competitors to identify areas for improvement.

Analyze Engagement Trends Over Time:

  • Track engagement metrics and rates over time to identify content that is resonating best with your audience.
  • Look for patterns and spikes in engagement to understand what type of content performs well.

Leverage TikTok Analytics and Third-Party Tools:

  • Utilize TikTok’s native analytics as well as third-party tools like Keyhole, Hootsuite, and Rival IQ to access detailed engagement data.
  • These tools can automate calculations, provide benchmarks, and offer deeper insights into your TikTok performance.

By following these best practices, you can effectively analyze your TikTok engagement metrics to optimize your content strategy, grow your audience, and drive better results on the platform.

What are Some Tools or Software that Can Help with Analyzing TikTok Engagement Metrics?

Here are some key tools and software that can help with analyzing TikTok engagement metrics:

TikTok Analytics (Native Tool):

  • TikTok’s built-in analytics tool provides insights into engagement metrics like views, likes, comments, shares, and follower growth.
  • It also offers audience demographics and insights into the best times to post.

Rival IQ:

  • A comprehensive social media analytics platform that covers in-depth TikTok metrics reporting, including engagement by topics, best posting times, hashtag usage, and competitor analysis.
  • Offers customizable dashboards and detailed insights to guide your TikTok content strategy.


  • An all-in-one TikTok analytics tool that provides engagement rate, follower growth, content performance, and audience demographics.
  • Helps brands and influencers manage influencer marketing campaigns and optimize their TikTok presence.


  • A budget-friendly TikTok analytics tool focused on tracking profile metrics, post performance, trending sounds, and hashtag analysis.
  • Offers customizable dashboards and automated reporting for small businesses and creators.


  • A free TikTok analytics tool that allows you to analyze any TikTok profile, including engagement rate, follower count, and video performance.
  • Useful for competitive analysis and benchmarking your content against others in your industry.

Sprout Social, Sociality.io, Iconosquare, Talkwalker, Tokfluence, and Social Insider are additional third-party TikTok analytics tools that offer various features like engagement tracking, audience insights, and campaign management.

By leveraging these TikTok analytics tools, you can gain valuable insights to optimize your content, improve engagement, and grow your audience on the platform.

What are Some Key Features to Look for in a TikTok Analytics Tool?

Here are some key features to look for in a TikTok analytics tool:

Trend Analysis:

  • The ability to identify and track trending topics, sounds, hashtags, and content formats on TikTok.
  • This allows you to stay on top of the latest trends and create content that resonates with your audience.

Detailed Engagement Metrics:

  • Comprehensive metrics like views, likes, comments, shares, and engagement rate (both by view and by follower).
  • These metrics provide insights into how your content is performing and resonating with your audience.

Audience Demographics:

  • Insights into the age, gender, location, and other demographics of your TikTok followers and viewers.
  • This helps you understand your target audience and optimize your content accordingly.

Reporting and Analytics Dashboards:

  • Visually appealing and easy-to-understand dashboards that consolidate all your TikTok performance data.
  • The ability to export data and generate custom reports for sharing and analysis.

Competitor and Influencer Analysis:

  • Tools to track and benchmark your performance against competitors and industry influencers.
  • Insights into the content, engagement, and audience of other TikTok accounts.

Optimization Recommendations:

  • Suggestions on the best times to post, trending hashtags to use, and content formats to try.
  • Helps you continuously improve your TikTok strategy based on data-driven insights.

By looking for these key features, you can find a TikTok analytics tool that provides the comprehensive data and insights needed to effectively measure, optimize, and grow your presence on the platform.

How Can TikTok Analytics Tools Help with Identifying Trends in User Behavior?

TikTok analytics tools can help identify trends in user behavior in the following ways:

Trend Analysis:

  • Tools like Rival IQ, Sprout Social, and Keyhole provide features to track trending topics, sounds, hashtags, and content formats on TikTok.
  • This allows you to stay on top of the latest trends and create content that resonates with your audience.

Engagement Metrics and Journeys:

  • Analytics tools can track engagement metrics like views, likes, comments, and shares over time to identify content that is resonating best with your audience.
  • Features like “engagement journeys” can provide insights into how user engagement evolves for each video, helping you understand what type of content performs well.

Audience Demographics:

  • TikTok analytics tools offer detailed insights into the age, gender, location, and other demographics of your followers and viewers.
  • Analyzing these audience insights can help you understand your target users and optimize your content accordingly.

Competitor and Influencer Analysis:

  • Tools like Rival IQ, Sociality.io, and Keyhole allow you to track and benchmark your performance against competitors and industry influencers.
  • This competitive analysis can reveal trends in the type of content, engagement, and audience that are resonating in your industry.

Optimization Recommendations:

  • Some analytics platforms, such as Sprout Social and Pentos, provide recommendations on the best times to post, trending hashtags to use, and content formats to try.
  • These data-driven insights can help you continuously improve your TikTok strategy based on evolving user behavior trends.

By leveraging the trend analysis, engagement tracking, audience insights, and optimization recommendations provided by TikTok analytics tools, brands and creators can stay ahead of the curve and adapt their content strategy to match the evolving preferences and behaviors of their target users on the platform.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. ==> For Guest Posts and Links Contact: [email protected]