How to Sell More on Your Ecommerce Store: 12 Best Tactics in 2023

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Who wouldn’t want to sell more on their e-commerce store?! Honestly, any businessman with a sane mind would want their brand to get enough attention and succeed in today’s competitive digital marketing world! But, how can you make it happen?! 

The first step to a successful eCommerce business is getting your products listed on your site and preparing it for the new orders. Next, you need specific strategies alongside the best ecommerce marketing tools to increase your online sales. 

Boosting eCommerce sales isn’t all that difficult. You don’t need to burn yourself out, but you need to know how to combine small but effective tactics that can help you reach your revenue goals.

Here are all the tactics that can help you boost eCommerce sales.

How to Increase Sales on Ecommerce Store

Learning to sell more on your eCommerce website might come off as challenging. Yet, let’s take baby steps and learn how you can make it a reality little by little!

1. Use a Conversion Rate Optimization Tool to Boost Sales

Converting your hesitant visitors into customers is not so complicated if you know how to use CRO tools. The best strategy for avoiding cart abandonment and increasing revenue is using a tool, which offers all necessary features with utmost efficiency and at a reasonable price!

WatchThemLive is an incredible web and user behavior analytics tool that will enable you to find out what you’re doing specifically well or why you might be failing to convert your visitors. Whether you have a Shopify store or an ecommerce website, this service allows you to access all necessary data to make the best decisions for your customers and business!

how to sell more on ecommerce store: WatchThemLive

Yet, what features does it offer exactly?! WatchThemLive provides you with:

  • Session replays: Session recordings allow you to see your website through your users’ eyes. This means that you can watch where your visitors drop off and where they click.
  • Heatmaps: If you’d like to check out what element appeals more to your audience and what they click on, you can check out the heat mapping tool. 
  • Visual Live Chat: WatchThemLive goes over and beyond every live chat app to make sure you’ll sell more in your e-commerce store. This feature is a live chat but what distinguishes it is that it goes hand in hand with session recordings. So, when your visitor sends a message, you’ll also be able to see a recording of their session and figure out what lead to their question!
  • Video Testimonials: Social proof helps you build trust and will inevitably increase sales on your website. WatchThemLive makes it incredibly easy for your customers to record testimonial videos. It provides them with a set of questions, and they’ll only need to start recording and answer those questions!
  • Goal Tracking: WatchThemLive also allows you to track and measure any goal you have in mind.

And these were just some of the available tools on this service. 

If you’re interested in increasing your sales and enhancing your conversion rate, go ahead and start on WatchThemLive for free!

2.Build an email list

Alongside session replay tools and heatmaps, you’re going to need a list for your email marketing! When you build a list of loyal customers you have a way to bring targeted people to your site again and again. Plus, you’ll have their permission to send them promotions without having to pay for advertisements.

This helps you build a community of highly interested prospects!

Email works well because your customers opt-in to hear from you without getting hammered by paid promotions. Building an email list definitely sounds like a big and daunting task. But there are many ways to build an email list today.


One of the best list-building strategies is popups. They’re not too intrusive if you trigger them after the customer has spent some time on your page or has scrolled to a certain point on your page.

Just like this example of a floating bar that takes up only the top section of your page.

how to sell more on ecommerce store

It’s possible to recreate the slide-in and the floating bar for almost any business, eCommerce or otherwise.

Opt-in Checkbox at Checkout

Another great tactic to build your list is by adding an opt-in checkbox during checkout. This is even less intrusive than using popups.

Customers who are checking out are already ready to buy from you. That is, they have already added their email address, and you have their permission to email them.

Add an opt-in incentive(like a free eBook) to give them the nudge to complete the purchase. This will surely help you bring back those who abandoned their cart earlier!

3. Use Scarcity Tactics

Nothing is scarier than scarcity itself! If your product is available in limited supply, meaning the sale is available for a short time, your visitors are more likely to buy immediately than postpone the purchase to a later date.

This is because of the simple reason that they are not sure at this stage if the products will be ever available at this price again. Scarcity triggers the fear of missing out or FOMO.

You can use these tactics to boost sales:

  • Conduct flash sales
  • Giveaway free trials
  • Add countdown timers on the site during sales
  • Display only x(quantity) remaining
  • Offer free shipping

4. Upsell to Your Customers

When visitors add items to their carts you can always upsell to them to increase the potential for sales.

how to Sell more on ecommerce store
Shopping Cart

Online stores with upsells get 70 to 95% of the revenue either from upsells or down sells.

Upsells are a clever way to make the most out of existing customers.

5. Optimize Your Store for Mobile

Another important way to sell more is by optimizing your site for mobile. According to eMarketer, 40% of eCommerce sales will happen on mobile devices in the US in 2022.

A well-designed website that works well on mobile is a priority for eCommerce knowing that most people browse on mobile than PCs or laptops.

And mobile ecommerce owners are preparing themselves. The competition is getting bigger by the day for stores that provide a smooth mobile experience and even invest in mobile application development to reach a wider audience of potential customers and improve the shopping experience. If you want more sales, make your site user-friendly for all platforms. 

6. Use SEO plugins

Optimizing your store for search engines increases organic traffic when you manage to score on the first page for your target keywords. After that, it’s free traffic. Plus, by using SEO tools, you can identify why your bounce rate has increased and how you can fix it! This will help you keep your visitors for a longer time and have more of a chance of converting them!

SEO for eCommerce stores isn’t all too time-consuming and you can choose different plugins to simplify the process. Some plugins are paid while others are free to use.

7. Minimize Cart Abandonment

This is for everyone who gets a notification saying someone filled up a cart in your store.

You get excited but the visitor abandons the cart without buying anything.

That sucks. And unfortunately, this happens more often than you’d like. But there are multiple ways to minimize cart abandonment.

Exit-intent popups can uncover the intent behind why people click that dreaded x button.

These popups automatically detect the mouse moving away from the store.

8. Showcase Your Top-selling Items

What does your eCommerce landing page resemble? Your store’s landing page should be home to the best-selling products on your store since this is the first thing people see and your shot at making a great first impression. Showing your best-selling items makes a great first impression and also doesn’t overwhelm them.

The bestsellers section helps customers choose what they want without being overwhelmed with choices. Plus, these products are best-selling for a reason, so why not leverage their power to entice all newcomers to your store?!

9. Integrate Instagram

Instagram has a feature called Shoppable posts. If your business is under their supported markets and complies with their policies you can tie your Business profile directly to the eCommerce store.

With over 2 billion active user base, Instagram provides a big window of sales opportunities.

This is true if your store looks visually appealing. Enticing images always catch the attention of Instagram followers and then you can link back to a product page on your store.

Another way to integrate Instagram into your feed is to populate your eCommerce site directly. However, always aim at attracting more IG followers as having a good follower base gives you an opportunity to attract potential customers who buy more on your e-store. You can schedule Instagram posts with the help of tools like Recurpost.

10. Display Your Reviews

Over 70% of customers use online reviews to inform their purchases.

If you’re not allowing people to post reviews, you’re losing lots of revenue.

Another way to leverage reviews is through a rating system. Prompt buyers to leave a review otherwise they may not do it on their own.

Another way to get lots of reviews is by reaching out to people who have repeated purchases from your store and getting a testimonial from them. Testimonials are different because they’re not entirely about one product. You can use this to build trust in your brand and improve the shopping experience on your site by having people talk about the site as a whole. Testimonials uplift the sentiments around the entire site.

Use your list to reach out for testimonials and this is where you will find more loyal customers.

Once you get these testimonials show them on your landing page to add a trustworthy face that new visitors can see. Testimonials work if you have a real name and photos that customers can identify with as a real person.

11. Implement a Live Chat to Increase Sales

A live chat tool is a great eCommerce resource that sounds difficult at the first brush but is simple to implement once you get the hang of it. Adding a live chat option enables customer service reps to speak directly to visitors when and if they have a question.

At times people want to buy something for you but they have a big question that they need an answer to first. These and more questions in the minds of buyers prevent purchases from happening in the first place.

If you make prospects jump through hoops to get in contact with you they’re more likely to click away. For example, your visitor wants to know if the clothing is true to size. They may need to send a message through the contact form or through email. 

Contacting you through email or the contact form takes plenty of steps people don’t really want to go through. This drives away people from your store costing you sales. What’s the solution? Live chat. 77% of customers shy from purchasing from a store without a live chat option.

Now, the best live chat tool on the market is WatchThemLive which enables you to receive messages from your customers as well as see a recording of their sessions. 

12. Use A/B Testing

To know what works and what doesn’t when you need to optimize your store, the way to figure this out is through testing.

A/B testing is an effective method that helps you achieve this. It pits two different headlines, a set of product descriptions, and entire page layouts against one another to see which one performs better.

More so, most A/B testing tools offer key metrics that give you critical insights that you can use to understand the performance of your store and improve the same. You can make improvements to the store’s experience and keep testing different options against one another.

Each new test will boost your eCommerce sales since you rely on data to optimize conversions.


What do you think of the different ways to sell more through your eCommerce store? Implementing a live chat option, a/b testing product pages, displaying reviews, and getting testimonials are all great ways to boost sales. Let us know in the comments below.

Author bio: George is a blogger and writer at Kamayobloggers, a site he started to share cutting-edge marketing advice.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> For Guest Posts and Links Contact: [email protected]