Best Instagram Filters: A List Of Cool Filters for 2022

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Have you ever wondered which Instagram filters are the most popular right now? If you just said ‘Yes’ to that question, look no further on the web.

This post has brought together a massive collection of all the best Instagram filters that are trendy and widely used.

Keep reading to see a list of these effects and filters on Instagram, as well as some advice on making the most of them.

What Are Instagram Filters & Effects?

Instagram has tons of neat features, but one of my favorites is the ability to apply filters and effects to your photos and videos.

If you want to learn more about the meaning of these terms and how you may put them to use on Instagram, check out our blog on How to Use Filters & Effects on Instagram.

Best Instagram Filters & Effects to Drive Engagement

Do you want to interact with your Instagram followers more frequently and improve your account’s engagement rate? Or are you looking to get more Instagram followers? Try out some new filters and effects! Here are two collections of the most widely used Instagram filters: 

One for regular photos and videos and another for Instagram Stories. Even if you’re running a business account and relying on Instagram for marketing, you could still benefit from becoming familiar with the best Instagram filters I’ve covered in this post.

Most Popular Instagram Filters for Photos & Video Posts 

Instagram has a small collection of filters that can be applied to photographs and videos before they are shared. We analyzed data from Iconosquare and relatable to pick the most popular Instagram filters.

These are the top five filters you should apply more often on your Instagram posts. 

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #1: Normal

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #1: Normal
Normal Filter

‘Normal’ is the way to go when you just want to relax and enjoy the great outdoors. It’s for keeping it simple and natural because it is the most basic, many Instagram users gravitate toward the “no filter” look, making the “normal” filter the most popular option.

You also don’t need filters because 21st-century built-in cameras are already excellent. Although you can use the brightness, contrast, saturation, and other tweaks accessible in the camera’s manual settings without having to switch to a different app.

This is the filter for you if you’re going for a clean, uncomplicated aesthetic on Instagram.

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #2: Clarendon

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #2: Clarendon
Clarendon Filter

The filter’s ability to tweak perhaps makes it Instagram’s second most used filter. It will give images a bluish tinge all around, but it will keep the original warmth and tone of the shot intact. If you’re at a loss for a filter, try this one out; it might be perfect.

When you want to emphasize some already-bright parts of your photo, use this Instagram filter. Ideally, you’d like to make the shadow darker.

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #3: Juno

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #3: Juno
Juno Filter

Want to have a more stylish appearance? Juno is the third most used filter on Instagram. This is the filter you should use if you want to dramatically increase the photo’s contrast and color saturation. 

It gives blues and greens a bluish cast, reds, and yellows a brighter tone. This filter is perfect if you want to add a burst of vibrant color to your shot.

Instances where you may want to use this Instagram filter include: highlighting warm tones or being on the hunt for some cool shades. Or for when you’re hoping to give your photographs a shimmering effect.

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #4: Ludwig 

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #4: Ludwig 
Ludwig Filter

At number four, we have Ludwig, which has nothing to do with Beethoven but everything to do with the architect Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, the man credited with coining the phrase” less is more.”

This Instagram filter is for you if you prefer muted colors and lower light levels. To get the desired contrast reduction.

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #5: Lark

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #5: Lark
Lark Filter

Lark, at number five, is an excellent option if you want your photo to stand out in a feed, aim for lower saturation levels, and/or wish to photograph outside scenes.

5 Best Instagram Filters for Posts & Videos at A Glance

Best Instagram Filter for Posts #1: Normal
Best Instagram Filter for Posts #2: Clarendon
Best Instagram Filter for Posts #3: Juno
Best Instagram Filter for Posts #4: Ludwig 
Best Instagram Filter for Posts #5: Lark

20 Best Instagram Story Filters for Your Next Story

In this section, I’ve compiled a complete list of the best Instagram filters and effects. Feel free to use any of them for your next Instagram story:

#1: 1958

Best Instagram Story Filter: 1958

#2: Home

Best Instagram Story Filter: home

#3: Dark Shade

Best Instagram Story Filter: dark shade

#4: Only Preset Dark

Best Instagram Story Filter: only preset dark

#5: Drainhook v2

Best Instagram Story Filter: drainhook v2

#6: HujiCam

Best Instagram Story Filter: hujicam

#7: Dreamy

Best Instagram Story Filter: dreamy

#8: Upper West

Best Instagram Story Filter: upper west

#9: Super 8mm

Best Instagram Story Filter: super 8mm

#10: Pretty

Best Instagram Story Filter: pretty

#11: Summer

Best Instagram Story Filter: summer

#12: Black&yellow

Best Instagram Story Filter: black&yellow

#13: Frames 02 Gallery

Best Instagram Story Filter: frames 02 gallery

#14: retroCAM

Best Instagram Story Filter: retrocam

#15: Sensitive Content 

Best Instagram Story Filter: sensitive content

#16: Dark Feed

Best Instagram Story Filter: dark feed


Best Instagram Story Filter: +50 camera filters


Best Instagram Story Filter: not your baby

#19: Disco

Best Instagram Story Filter: disco

#20: カラーフィルム – Color Film

Best Instagram Story Filter: color film

Best Instagram Filters: The TL;DR Version

You can count on us to help you out if you ever wish to find some great filters to add to your Instagram stories and spice up your feed, or if you want to try to increase the engagement between you and your followers. If this is something that you have ever wanted to do, you can find some great filters to add to your Instagram stories here.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> For Guest Posts and Links Contact: [email protected]