How to Monetize a Website and Boost Your Income [14 Proven Methods]

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The word “Monetization” literally means converting something into money; in other words, it is converting an asset, debt, or service into cash. In web development, the term “Website monetization” refers to the process of making money by converting existing traffic to a particular website or blog by using it as an advertising platform.

Two of the Most Common Ways of Website Monetization

The most common ways to monetize a website are “pay per click” and “cost per impression” advertising.

(PPC) Pay Per Click: 

PPC is a type of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a commission to the publisher each time their ads are clicked. It means you actually buy the visits since you only pay when a user reaches your website.

How to Make Money With Clicks 

It may seem too good to be true, but it is actually real; you can earn money with clicks! But how?

The more visitors engage with a website’s ads, the more revenue it earns; visitors’ engagement can be impression generated or only clicks. Individuals can also make money by clicking the links and ads. Like GPT (get paid to) and PTC (paid to click) sites that companies pay to run advertisements, GPT sites are not limited to ads; you can earn by playing games, taking surveys, reading emails, etc.

(CPI) Cost Per Impression:

CPI measures the cost that the advertiser has agreed to pay for 1,000 views of a particular advertisement. The user click is not required for a CPI advertisement, every time the ad appears on the user’s screen counts as an impression.

Why is Website Monetization Important?

The process of monetizing is essential for businesses since it is key to their strategic planning. It is also crucial to have new approaches toward converting neutral or costly companies into profit centers. Website monetization will:

1. Increase Profits 

Implementing website monetization can be a part-time or a full-time job; whatever it is, it enables opportunities for earning and increasing revenue.

2. Give a Chance for Passive Income

Monetizing your website is a great way to earn passive income. You can start a side-hustle or set up display advertising or web push ads; after that, the traffic on the website will bring money. 

3. Allow Bloggers to Earn From the Blog

Website monetization allows bloggers to earn money, too; they can make money through advertising, affiliate marketing, donations, coaching, etc.

4. Provides You With Options 

To monetize a website, you can choose a way that is in line with your niche; for example, if you are a beauty blogger, you can advertise cosmetics and beautification products; if you are a cook, it’s a good idea to start with food ingredients or kitchen supplies.

How to Monetize a Website | 12 Solid Ways

There are many ways to make money from a website; just if you know how to monetize it, every individual can give it a try and turn their website into an income-generating asset. Keep in mind the strategies we listed below.

1. Display Advertising

You can sell ad space to a company with a relevant niche and display their ad on your site to monetize. This method is best for websites with significant traffic and considerable audiences.

2. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing or Cost Per Action (CPA) is one of the best ways to monetize; it means you get paid after you sell goods or services. You can add an affiliate link on the website, and you need to include a disclaimer on your website that you may earn money. Affiliate marketing benefits product-centric websites and has easy integration into the content.

For website monetization, this type of marketing can serve you quite well. For instance, a car rental affiliate program can actually replace your full-time income job or become a promising side hustle with little to no work required to maintain the site.

3. Google AdSense 

Google AdSense is a free service for selling ad space. Publishers can simply make money on Google AdSense by placing ads on their website, and each time a visitor clicks on the advertising, they get paid. This platform has a disadvantage, it doesn’t allow publishers to sell their space for the highest price, and it takes a 32% cut of your ad revenue.

4. Generate Leads 

Lead generation refers to collecting the customer’s information and selling it to a third party; in other words, you connect two parties who can benefit one another. For example, If you own an English teaching website, your visitors’ information like their email address, phone number, location, gender, and age would be valuable information for online language schools.

5. Email rental

Similar to lead generation, email rental is renting (or sometimes selling) your email lists to third parties. By renting your email list, you match valuable audiences and related businesses. Renting a solid email list can bring significant income to your business.

But be aware that renting or selling your mailing lists can result in complaints and unsubscribes.

6. Web Push Ads

Web push notifications are messages you receive from different websites; these messages are mostly about sales and new content on the website and require users’ permission; once a user permits the site, he receives relevant advertisements.

Web push ads are great for becoming popular; they are easy to subscribe to and hard to miss.

7. Membership Site

A membership site is a gated site that includes members-only content. It is a perfect way of monetizing a website only if people join. You need to find your ideal customers and attract them to your membership site.

It works best for websites that offer various types of content, as it covers a full range of needs.

8. Sponsored Content

You can accept sponsored content on your company site, and in return, you can ask for money or a post on their site.

Sponsored content can benefit your website in two ways. First, you can post high-quality content without the effort of writing it, and second, you can bring additional money to your company.

There are also two factors you should consider; the content you accept to post shouldn’t directly compete with your own product, and it shouldn’t be in opposition to your beliefs. The other factor is Google’s punishment; be careful with the advertisers’ DoFollow links.

9. Donations

You can simply ask your visitors to donate, but only if you are doing your job well and your website provides users with valuable content or solves their problems for free. Accepting donations can significantly increase your income.

10. Online Courses

Once your website grows in its niche, gains people’s trust, and becomes a thought leader, you can start selling online courses.

For instance, you can hold quality webinars that are related to your business and offer paid access; doing so will result in additional revenue.

11. Set up an E-commerce Site

Content writing is obviously not the only option for website monetizing; you can also use your website as an online store and sell tools, products, or services and earn more money. You can set up an E-commerce site and sell anything you want, but the easiest and most beneficial ones would be digital products like E-books, logos, templates, etc.

12. Restrict  Access to Some of Your Content

You can run a website and limit access to some of its content to premium subscribers. You can place a paywall on your website for your more profound, valuable, or researched posts.

Some Money Earning Sites

Now that you are familiar with strategies for monetizing, we want to name some reliable and legal money-making sites.

  1. YouTube
  2. Amazon
  3. InboxDollars
  4. Upwork
  5. Zirtual
  6. Swagbucks
  7. Fiverr
  8. Meesho
  9. Etsy
  10. Scarlet Clicks

Here we just listed the names of 10 user-friendly and reliable money-making websites; you can check the Moneymint website for more information.

How to Make Money Building Websites

Following some manageable steps helps you build a money-making website to increase your revenue or set up your own business. The very first step is to learn how to make a website.

Step 1: Make a Website

To make a website, you should learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and web design, and if it doesn’t seem appealing to you, there are popular drag-and-drop Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress you can rely on to build and design your website.

Step 2: Identify Your Niche

In the beginning, it is better to choose a niche and focus on improving that specific niche; it helps you to work more efficiently and look more professional in a shorter time.

Step 3: Build a Small Portfolio 

It is wise to start with a small portfolio of websites that showcase your talents; Your website should be incredible and unique in design to attract more customers.

Step 4: Find Your Customers

There are different places you can look for clients; platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram, any event like local meetups, or even in your personal connections like your family and friends.

Step 5: Start Content Marketing

A business blog is definitely the best and easiest way to attract customers. You can fill your blog with relevant content and help search engines to rank your website. Be careful with the topics you cover; they should be informative and interesting to your client.

How Much Do Websites Make?

The first thing to know is that the average money a website can make directly depends on the site’s purpose, how successful it is in achieving it, and the daily views.

Anyhow, according to recent research, the average revenue of the best advertising networks can bring you $1,000 per month, while affiliates usually get $2,000 monthly; The number goes up to %5,000/month for big sites.

Final Thoughts

We mentioned some strategies above but bear in mind that none of the monetization strategies will work if you don’t have pleasing audiences and a marketing reputation. Remember, your audience is the most valuable asset you have.

The next point is that every strategy has its own benefits and drawbacks; still, you can earn good money by using one of the strategies we discussed, but all you need to do in order to make more money is to test different strategies and see which one works best on your audience. 

By the time you find your power zone, stick to it for the sake of your audiences and your wallet, of course.

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Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> For Guest Posts and Links Contact: [email protected]