How to Get Sponsored on Instagram: Proven Strategies and Tips for Success

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Are you dreaming of becoming a paid Instagram influencer? You’re not alone. With the average price for a sponsored Instagram post at $300 and top influencers like Rachel Brathen earning $25,000 per post, it’s no surprise that more and more people are trying to break into the industry. But if you’re thinking that your content isn’t “influencer-worthy,” think again.

Instagram has become a powerful platform for brands to promote their products, and even ‘normal’ people like you can become valuable marketing assets and grow their followers. In fact, micro-influencers with smaller followings often see higher engagement rates than their more famous counterparts. So, how can you make the leap from brunch photos to sponsored posts?

The best method to do so is through influencer marketing platforms such as Ainfluencer which is free and easy to use. There are lots of brands ready to collaborate on this platform.

In this article, we’ll guide you on how to get sponsored on Instagram, no matter how many followers you have right now!

How to Get Sponsored on Instagram

Getting sponsored on Instagram involves a combination of strategy, consistency, and engagement. And in Instagram marketing, you need to use effective marketing strategies to attract sponsors. Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting sponsored:

1. Define Your Brand

Defining your niche is the first step to building a successful presence on the platform. Whether you want to focus on food and health, fashion, or something entirely different, establishing your brand is crucial to standing out in a crowded space.

But branding goes beyond the type of content you post – it’s also about the overall aesthetic and messaging you convey. Consider how you want to style your posts and create a cohesive feed theme to solidify your brand. By doing so, you’ll help your audience recognize and trust your content as an expert in your field.

To take it a step further, you can connect your Instagram brand with an online presence. Creating a website with a similar aesthetic and messaging is an excellent way to unify your social media accounts and make it easier for brands to understand how you can help them.

So, take the time to define your niche, establish your brand, and create a consistent aesthetic across all your online platforms. Doing so will help you stand out and attract the engagement and sponsorships you’re looking for on Instagram.

2. Understand Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience is a crucial element in building your influence on Instagram and securing brand partnerships. It’s not just about knowing the basics, like age and gender, but also diving deeper to uncover their interests, preferences, and behaviors. This information is valuable not only for tailoring your content but also for identifying which brands will resonate most with your followers.

But how do you gather this information? It’s not just about looking at your follower count. You need to analyze engagement rates, track which posts perform the best, and consider factors like location and time of day. With this data in hand, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions about your content and outreach to brands.

Ultimately, knowing your audience is the key to creating content that resonates and building a loyal following. And, as a bonus, it can help you land those coveted brand partnerships that can take your Instagram presence to the next level.

3. Maintain a Regular Posting Schedule

Are you struggling to find the perfect balance of how often to post on Instagram? CoSchedule did some research and found some helpful tips to guide you. According to their studies, posting once a day on Instagram is the minimum you should aim for to grow your following, but you can post up to three times a day without overwhelming your audience.

Timing is also key to maximizing engagement. CoSchedule discovered that the best times to post on Instagram are between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, as well as 2:00 PM. However, keep in mind that your specific audience may have different preferences. It’s important to experiment with different posting schedules and use Instagram’s metrics tools to determine what works best for you.

Remember, consistency is key to keeping your audience engaged and avoiding being forgotten. By finding the sweet spot between posting frequency and timing, you can increase your chances of success on Instagram.

4. Use Hashtags and Geotags

Hashtags can be a game-changer for growing your Instagram following. They help make your content more discoverable, but not all hashtags are created equal. So, what’s the magic number for boosting engagement? According to TrackMaven’s research, nine hashtags seem to be the sweet spot.

Of course, it’s not just about how many hashtags you use, but also how relevant they are to your content. You don’t want to be spamming your post with irrelevant or broken hashtags, so it’s essential to do your research. Check out this list of banned hashtags to ensure you’re not breaking any rules.

But relevance isn’t the only thing to consider when choosing your hashtags. It’s also important to find a balance between being too broad or too niche. Using a hashtag with millions of posts might mean your content gets lost in the noise while using one with too few posts means fewer people will see it. You’ll want to find that sweet spot that gives your content the best chance to be discovered.

And let’s not forget about geotags. These can help people find you based on location and help you appeal to brands looking to target specific demographics. So if you’re always posting about fashion tips from California, geotagging your posts can help you gain more followers and catch the eye of local brands.

In short, using the right hashtags and geotags can be a game-changer for growing your Instagram following and reaching new audiences.

5. Mention Brands in Your Posts

After defining your brand and audience and creating quality content, you should have a good idea of which businesses would benefit from partnering with you.

But, before you go big, it’s best to start small. Don’t try to pitch Estee Lauder if you’re just starting out in the skincare industry. Instead, consider tagging small skincare startups that you’ve seen on Instagram.

Start by tagging smaller brands in your posts and responding to comments. Engage with your audience, and the brand will soon see that you’re a valuable sales partner. With time and effort, you can work your way up to bigger and better brand partnerships.

6. Add Contact Details to Your Bio

Your bio is your chance to make a great first impression on brands and showcase your potential as an influencer. Don’t waste this valuable space – include your email and website so that brands can easily reach out to you. By including your email or website, you make it easy for brands to reach out to you with potential partnership opportunities.

Without contact details, brands may not know how to get in touch with you, and they may pass you over to another influencer who has made it clear they’re interested in working with brands.

Additionally, including a press kit in your bio or website can demonstrate your experience and versatility as an influencer. This can help you stand out from other influencers and increase your chances of landing brand partnerships.

7. Propose Paid Sponsorship Opportunities

Don’t wait for brands to come to you – sometimes, you have to take the initiative and reach out to them yourself. With the right approach, you might be able to score some gigs and build your influencer portfolio faster than you think.

Start by identifying brands that are serious about their Instagram presence, and look for ones that are similar to what other influencers in your industry are sponsoring. Don’t worry about starting small – working with smaller brands can be a great way to build your credibility and get your foot in the door.

Once you’ve identified some potential partners, send them a clear and concise email outlining your expertise and why you’re a great fit for their brand. Be sure to include relevant data, such as your follower count and engagement rates. Alternatively, you might consider sending them a direct message on Instagram, but be aware that it may get lost in a sea of other messages.

Remember, sometimes the best opportunities are the ones you create for yourself!

8. Understand Your Value

It’s crucial to know your worth and set your rates before brands start reaching out to you. Don’t be afraid to negotiate a higher price, especially if you have a larger following or a high engagement rate. The industry standard is typically $10 per 1,000 followers, but there are many other factors to consider, such as the number of likes per post.

To sweeten the deal, you can offer additional perks, like Instagram Story posts or a temporary link in your bio. Be creative and use other Instagram features to provide value to the brand.

Once you’ve agreed on a price, it’s essential to understand how to create sponsored posts. Keep in mind that there are two types of sponsored posts: those that are paid for by the brand and promoted by Instagram, and those that are paid for by the brand and posted on your account. Knowing the difference is key to ensuring a successful partnership with the brand.

In the following. I’m going to explain more.

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What’s a Sponsored Instagram Post?

A sponsored post on Instagram is a type of advertising where a brand pays an Instagram user to create a post that features their product or service. There are two main types of sponsored posts: one in which a brand pays Instagram to promote their post to a custom audience, and the other in which a brand pays an Instagram user, commonly known as an “Influencer,” to create a post that promotes their brand to their followers. These sponsored posts can help brands reach a wider audience and can be an effective marketing strategy for businesses.

Promoted Posts & Ads

Imagine you’re an advertiser looking to expand your reach and connect with your target audience on Instagram. Good news! Instagram offers a native ad management platform just for that. With this tool, you can create a custom audience based on age, gender, location, interests, and more, and invest a specific amount of money to promote your post to Instagrammers who fit that audience.

Keep in mind, you’ll be the one creating and publishing the post. While you’re paying Instagram for the opportunity to reach your desired audience, the post itself is completely up to you. So, get creative and let your message shine through to the audience you want to connect with!

Paid Sponsorships

Picture this: you’re scrolling through Instagram, and you come across a post of someone holding a can of soda. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but what you might not realize is that the person in the photo is actually getting paid by the soda company to feature their product. This is what we call a paid sponsorship, and it’s a common practice on social media, especially on Instagram.

Paid sponsorships happen between a brand and an Instagram user with a large following, usually referred to as an “influencer.” These influencers have built their own personal brand and have a dedicated audience that brands want to tap into. The process is simple: the influencer finds a brand that appeals to their audience, charges the brand a fee, and creates a post featuring the brand’s product or service. It’s like a modern version of product placement, but on social media.

Unlike Instagram’s ad manager, where the brand creates and publishes the post, in this case, the influencer is the one creating and publishing the post. The brand is paying the influencer directly for access to their audience, rather than paying Instagram. This allows for more creative and personalized sponsorship ideas that can better connect with the influencer’s audience.

If you’re looking to partner with an influencer, there are plenty to choose from. Check out this list of some of today’s most popular influencers and the types of audiences they attract.

How to Find Sponsorship Opportunities on Instagram?  

Ainfluencer is a platform that connects brands with influencers on social media, including Instagram. If you’re looking to get sponsored on Instagram, you can sign up as an influencer on Ainfluencer and create a profile showcasing your skills, niche, and audience.

Ainfluencer homepage

Brands can then search to find influencers based on their desired criteria, and if your profile matches, they may reach out to you with sponsorship opportunities.

To increase your chances of getting sponsored, make sure you have a strong and engaged following on Instagram, and post content that aligns with your niche and audience.

FAQs on How to Get Sponsored on Instagram

Now, let us answer some of your frequently asked questions.

Q1. What Does It Mean to Get Sponsored on Instagram?

Getting sponsored on Instagram means that a brand pays you to promote their products or services to your followers on the platform.

Q2. How Do I Find Brands that Are Interested in Sponsoring Me on Instagram?

To find brands interested in sponsoring you on Instagram, you can start by researching companies in your industry and reaching out to them with a pitch. You can also join influencer marketing networks or sign up for influencer marketplaces that connect brands with influencers.

Q3. How Much Should I Charge for Sponsored Posts on Instagram?

The amount you should charge for sponsored posts on Instagram will depend on a variety of factors, including your follower count, engagement rate, and niche. As a general rule, influencers typically charge between $10 and $100 per 1,000 followers for sponsored content.


Now, you know how to get sponsored on Instagram. Getting sponsored on Instagram is a great way to earn money and grow your personal brand. By following the tips and strategies we discussed, such as building a strong following, creating high-quality content, and reaching out to brands, you can position yourself as an attractive partner for potential sponsors. 

Keep in mind that building a successful Instagram presence takes time, effort, and patience, but with dedication and persistence, you can turn your Instagram account into a profitable venture. So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, network with brands and influencers, and see where your Instagram journey takes you. Good luck!


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