How to Get Followers On Instagram Without Following [12 Best Ways]

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Are you tired of doing lots of follow-unfollow rounds on Instagram to boost that following count, and you’re wondering how to get followers on Instagram without following? If you just answered yes, you’re in the right place, and it is best that you keep on reading.

Instagram is an excellent app for advertising your brand and drawing people’s attention to your products. The more followers you gain, the more popular you get, and the chance of being seen by more users increases. Success on Instagram requires a professional account with appropriate and eye-catching content to encourage people to follow and share your posts. But how can you get followers on Instagram without following?

There are different strategies on how to get followers on Instagram without following. To name some:

1. Post appropriate content

2. Be active

3. Post timely

4. Interact with influencers

5. Organize giveaways

6. Know Instagram algorithms

7. Use all Instagram features (stories, IGTVs, Reels)

And to make it short, know how to maximize your Instagram growth.

A professional and unique account should have more followers than followings. Following too many people who are not following you back can signal that you are a spammer or your account or content is not qualified and exciting enough to be followed back. So, what if there is a need to unfollow some people to keep the balance?

Considering Instagram’s follow unfollow limits, you can manually click on the unfollow button and remove up to 200 users from your following list daily. It is better to unfollow users at different intervals so that Instagram recognizes you as a human, not a robot, and your account will be safe from being banned or blocked.

How to Get Followers On Instagram Without Following

So, are there proven ways to get IG followers without following accounts? Yes, there are.

1. Make Your Page Visually Appealing 

Have a theme for your account. A sensible way of increasing your followers is creating a kind of account that is beautiful at first glance and encourages visitors to want to see more and more. The first thing that we judge a page by is how it looks. Be creative and design a unique Instagram grid. Use colors, readable fonts, and high-quality relative images.

2. Don’t Lead Follow Unfollow Tactic.

 There is a strategy that many people use: following as many accounts as possible, and after a few days, they unfollow those accounts to have more followers than followings.

Of course, many people unfollow you as soon as they find out, which ruins your account for an avoidable mistake.

Other problems you may face are losing your audience’s trust and being detected as a bot. On the bright side, these won’t happen, and you will gain a considerable number of followers, but they are probably not engaging.

3. Post Frequently

Instagram has a snowball effect; the more you post, the sooner you grow. You need to post frequently and interact with other users to grow faster. Posting a couple of times in a day at different times is most preferred, for example, once in the morning when people get up and once in the afternoon after they get home.

People want to see new posts but are more likely to check their news feeds rather than search hashtags to find old content. On the other hand, they don’t want their news feed to be overloaded by your posts.

The less you appear on your followers’ feeds, the sooner you will be forgotten or unfollowed, and not posting up to Instagram’s limits can annoy some followers. Avoid walking on the edges.

4. Post Shareable Content 

Posting in a timely and regular manner is essential, but if you want your posts to be seen by more potential followers, you may need to post content that people would like to share. It gives you the chance to expose your account. 

Posting infographics is the most socially shared form of content.

5. Utilize Instagram Stories and Highlights

To be highly engaged, you should use Instagram stories daily. Statistics show that one in every three stories results in a direct message. Adding hashtags and locations to your stories can also promote your post to be shown to people who are not following you and get some free followers.

As we all know, stories have a lifespan of 24 hours, but since they appear on the top of users’ feeds, they are more likely to be seen than posts.  

Another Instagram feature is highlighting stories. It can give your stories a second chance and an aesthetic style to your page.

6. Relevant Hashtags 

Using hashtags relevant to your niche can attract people who share your interests. You can also edit old posts and add a new active hashtag to bring them to the attention of others. 

7. Tag and Ask to Be Tagged

Instagram relevant tags benefit you in different ways; they can help you categorize your posts, increase engagement, and make posts discoverable by other users. Tagging allows you to have followers of the person you tagged visit your page, and if they find your account interesting, you can get a good deal of followers, likes, and comments.

Avoid tagging influencers or brands if your post is not entirely related to them; otherwise, you may be flagged as spam.

8. Run Contests and Giveaways

People love anything that offers the chance to win free things or services, which is apparent.

So, you can use this simple fact to increase engagement and gain new followers.

Creating a contest where the entry process requires following and leaving a comment by tagging a friend is a brilliant start.

You can use some methods to encourage Instagram users to participate in your contest. Moreover, you receive more comments and followers.

Having the funniest caption, tagging more people, and typing the name of a brand letter by letter without interruption are some ways you receive many comments. 

9. Collaborate With Influencers 

People generally find it easier to trust real people than brands’ advertisements. Influencers are well-known people who can convince others to buy a specific product or service and create a sense of credibility and fame for the brand. This fact makes influencer marketing more famous and influential. 

10. Consider Advertising 

There are different ways of advertising on Instagram, including image ads, story ads, reel ads, etc. The price will change depending on your target, the industry you want to advertise, and the time. 

Unlike buying followers, Instagram advertisements are permitted and way more effective than gaming and desktop ads.

11. FLC Loop

Follow, like comment strategy is one of the most effective ways to build your Instagram following. 

For this strategy to work, you need to follow some accounts that match the demographics of people you want to follow, don’t follow everyone, and never play the follow-back game.

Now and then, like and leave a witty comment on other people’s posts to show appreciation and gain free exposure to many potential followers. 

12. Use All Instagram Features

Instagram is a clever robot that recognizes accounts using all the platform’s features. The more you use stories, highlights, images, video carousels, and all the features mentioned above to make it short, the better your content performs in the algorithm. 

The Last Words on How to Get Followers On Instagram Without Following

Now that you have an idea about how to get followers on Instagram without following and experiencing the difficulty and risk of unfollowing people, go for it!

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